Marc Kaufmann, Peter Andre, Botond Kőszegi, 2024, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 139, Issue 3, August 2024, Pages 1989–2035
Category: Publications
Shallow Meritocracy
Peter Andre, 2024, The Review of Economic Studies, [published online: 12 April, 2024]
Leveraging intellectual property: The value of harmonized enforcement regimes
Andrej Gill & David Heller, 2024, Journal of Banking & Finance, [published online: June, 2024]
Trust in Difficult People: A Social Network Perspective
Sonja Opper & Na Zou, 2023, Journal of Management Studies, [published online: 23 August, 2023]
The Logarithmic Stochastic Tracing Procedure: A Homotopy Method to Compute Stationary Equilibria of Stochastic Games
Steffen Eibelshäuser, Victor Klockmann, David Poensgen & Alicia von Schenk, 2023, INFORMS Journal on Computing, [published online: 17 August, 2023]
Patronizing behavior in heterogeneous teams: A laboratory experiment
Victor Klockmann & Alicia von Schenk, 2023, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, [published online: December, 2023]
Social Preferences Toward Humans and Machines: A Systematic Experiment on the Role of Machine Payoffs
Alicia von Schenk, Victor Klockmann & Nils Köbis, 2023, Perspectives on Psychological Science, [published online: September 26, 2023]
The Preference Survey Module: evidence on social preferences from Tehran
Michael Kosfeld & Zahra Sharafi, 2023, Journal of the Economic Science Association, [published online: October 19, 2023]
How to Alleviate Correlation Neglect in Investment Decisions
Christine Laudenbach , Michael Ungeheuer & Martin Weber, 2023, Management Science, 69 (6), 3400-3414
On the role of monetary incentives in risk preference elicitation experiments
Andreas Hackethal, Michael Kirchler, Christine Laudenbach, Michael Razen & Annika Weber, 2023, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 66 (2), 189–213
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Algorithmic Assessments, Transparency, and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
Kevin Bauer & Andrej Gill, 2023, Information Systems Research, [published online: May 03, 2023]
Expl(AI)ned: The Impact of Explainable Artificial Intelligence on Users’ Information Processing
Kevin Bauer, Moritz von Zahn & Oliver Hinz, 2023, Information Systems Research, [published online: March 03, 2023]
Social preferences and sales performance
Andrea Essl, Frauke von Bieberstein, Michael Kosfeld & Markus Kröll, 2023, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy
Social Preferences of Young Professionals and the Financial Industry
Andrej Gill , Matthias Heinz , Heiner Schumacher & Matthias Sutter, 2023, Management Science, 69 (7)
The ‘Fetters of the Sib’ in an uncertain business environment – an experimental study in Burkina Faso
Björn Vollan, Myriam Hadnes, Marco Nilgen & Michael Kosfeld, 2023, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 35 (7-8)
What do Employee Referral Programs (ERPs) Do? Measuring the Direct and Overall Effects of a Management Practice
Guido Friebel, Matthias Heinz, Mitchell Hoffman, Nick Zubanov, 2023, Journal of Political Economy, 131 (3)
Designing Information Provision Experiments
Ingar Haaland, Christopher Roth, Johannes Wohlfart, 2023, Journal of Economic Literature, 61 (1), 3-40
Poverty and Perseverance: The Detrimental Effect of Poverty on Effort Provision
Zahra Sharafi, 2023, Journal of Development Economics, 162, 103040
Artificial intelligence, ethics, and intergenerational responsibility
Victor Klockmann, Alicia von Schenk, Marie Claire Villeval, 2022, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 203, 284-317
How Do Beliefs about the Gender Wage Gap Affect the Demand for Public Policy?
Sonja Settele, 2022, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 14 (2), 475-508